Ok, I have to say I feel great when I put clothes on, go shopping or just look in the mirror these days. At day 1 I never expected to be where I am now. It has been and still is a lot of hard work and disipline which was harder in the beginning, but I still have to grab myself by the neck sometimes and stop whatever I'm about to do...But in the end it's worth it if you get results, and now is the time where I can really see they are coming. I feel awesome and more confident and for that I am so grateful.
My weight hasn't gone down at bit and that truly surprises me when I look at my body, because it is totally changed. It makes all the horrible ab exercises, excrushiatingly hard shoulderpresses, davincis and lunges worth it. I will love to do them anytime now just because I know they work. And as goes for eggwhites....well I used to hate them, still don't find them tasty, but I will eat them everyday if this is what they do....Bring it on, I'm ready!!!!!