Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The body is amazing...

No not my body, but THE body. I mean it adapts to anything really. I started out at one point and have now reached another, and now I couldn't even consider to move back. With all the changes, and ups and downs I've been through, I'm still amazed at where I am today. My body is changing in so many ways. It's definitly slimming and tightning, but also smoother skin, better digestion, better habits and less cravings, more willpower and an understanding of making choices...the right ones!!!!

I'm not saying that I will NEVER have a chocolate bar ever again, or NEVER want a bowl of cheetos, but I will think more about it, plan an occasional indulgence rather than have it whenever and in unlimited portions. I will think about consequences and what it actually does to my body, maybe even make decisions to eat stuff that does something for my body instead....

I feel I'm growing and becoming stronger day by day....

So I still stand b my statement, THE BODY IS AMAZING, maybe even mine.....?!?!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Precisely. The PCP isn't about depriving yourself, it's about giving yourself what you truly deserve, health and vitality.

One of the most common things people ask me "If I do the PCP will I have to stop drinking alcohol and eating sweets?" They tend to think only of what they will lose.

What can be gained by treating your body right dwarfs any pleasure that alcohol or sweets could ever bring.