Sunday, February 22, 2009


I can honestly say that eing social on the PCP is the hardest part. I have been tested to the max this last week. We went to our lovely neighboors last weekend, and I thought I can just eat my food and that will be ok. But not so, everything else looked sooooo good. I actually had to go home and sit in my kitchen and eat alone, then I went back and everyone had got to be an early night for me.

Then again this Firday, we were invited home to a colleague of my husband. I brought my salad and felt really good about it. Even thought it tasted delicious when I ate it at the party. I felt really strong with my altime favorite food, indian, and pepperoni pizza right in front of me at the table. But again, by the time the chocloate cake came out, I started solution was to tell everybody about the project and I got really good supportgroup...that sure helped.

Today we were again invited to some other neighboors and I had to say no, it's just so hard, even though I can eat, I just get so tempted by everything around me....

That's what I won't miss after we are done.....

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