Friday, February 6, 2009


I'm new to Houston, and my social network hasn't been all that up til now. But just when I start on this project, it's taking off. And what do I have to say to everyone that invites me out to lunch, dinner or to a drink out? No, thank you, I'm doing the PCP. That is just so typical, hopefully it doesn't ruin my chance for friendships. I do say, please ask me again, I'm not doingPCP my wish is that I will have a second chance....

This came up right this minute, when one of my wonderful neighboors came over and invited me and my hubbie out tomorrow with all my other wonderful neighboors....a shame, but hopefully worth it!!!!!

What can you do ey....stick with your choices and stay strong at heart!

1 comment:

Corry said...

Yeah, tricky with the dinners out eh? just remember, it's only for a season and hey, as us mommy's know, time just zips by!!! hang in there Lene, I'm proud of you!!!